Hong Kong non ritira la politica sui visti di viaggio per gli indiani


In a surprise move, Hong Kong has withdrawn the no travel visa policy for Indians from January next year.

Now, Indian tourists will have to pre-register to enter the SAR (Special Administrative Regions) of China. So far, for a 15-day stay, there were no formalities as the SAR allowed to land in Hong Kong without any visa formalities.

It was learned that the step may have been taken as the no visa facility may have been abused by some.

Hong Kong ha una rappresentanza turistica attiva in India per promuovere il turismo verso la popolare destinazione, che funge anche da trampolino di lancio per i viaggi a Macao. In un altro sviluppo, la Thailandia ha reso i viaggi degli indiani un po' più economici riducendo la tassa per il visto all'atterraggio.

It is to be seen in days to come if these two developments will lessen travel by Indians to Hong Kong and to Thailand.

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